Adaptation to the internet has not been an easy or forgiving experience. My e-mail box is the wrong color. And I despise my "mouse." However, I have persevered. I have learned how to create the HYPERLINK. And I have "googled" myself, as all men must, apparently, these days, repeatedly. Through our technological looking glass, the abyss is now the search engine, and as it looks into the generalized you, so too will it and you look through the particulate me. It is like talking on a telephone, but with our eyes.
Put simply, I am in two words — "totally stoked" — as the kids say, for this new partnership. I have long seen my name, both on the internet, and in printing. But, this is a very new and different venue for me, one my assistant claims is "adequately indey." In life, one can never afford to turn down an opportunity to reach out to a younger marketing demographic. For they comprise the future of both disposable income, and of the future. I hope you enjoy my weekly and/or bi-weekly quotidian musings as much as I enjoy musing them!
— Marty Peretz
We, the good people of Et tu, Mr. Destructo? extend a hearty welcome to our newest contributor, Marty Peretz. Mr. Peretz comes from an illustrious background. He describes himself as a one-time university professor, a lifetime writer, and a sometime thinker — although Mr. Peretz notes that "sometime" is italicized to reflect the phrase's sly self-deprecating usage. He has also purchased at least one magazine and enjoys the privilege of many long-standing and satisfying friendships with numerous intelligent and accomplished people, too many to name here. A complete list is available upon request.
Mobutu Sese Seko
Gstaad, 2009