From what anyone can gather, the administrator of the site is one Mahmoud Animejihad. This seems to be corroborated by the use of Google Translate, which renders his Japanese mission statement:
Konichiwa, someone who likes anime! Welcome to immediatelyApparently Mr. Animejihad has no compunction about kidnapping, brainwashing and radicalizing otherwise peaceful, excellent and talented writers from other websites. Anime might be a religion of pacific-rim pussies, but it spins out of control on the internet into a culture of hate and expropriation. Just look how they take our beautiful white women's big tits and put them on tiny Asian women. Or just look at how they take our beautiful big-titted white women and put tiny Asian men in them. Revolting.
For anime news and reviews, the # 1 source. My name is Mamoud.
I will be hosting this blog. There are many things that are not
Here and feel free to leave a few comments yet! Oh, and please
Until we again meet
As said, this expropriation has extended to one of our own writers, who's penned a piece over there entitled "Arrested Development Show - Best in History," featuring this paragraph:
現在、彼の2番目の息子のマイケルは、家族の名誉と教えますその崇高な事業を取り除く人疑問を投げ掛けるを復元するために奮闘する必要があります。彼のように弟のジョージオスカー(ジョーブ)Bluth人の乱交や子供のゲーム、飲酒でとりこにされ、母親だけの時間がある高齢者は、だれ彼の母親に似てセックス看護師で、妹に数千ドルの弟を費やし彼は最終的に近親相姦セックスしたことがあります。家族によっても妨害されている韓国語、Annyong、母親は娼婦だった汚い。The style is unmistakable. Was anyone else doing this level of groundbreaking thinking about the television show Arrested Development? If you don't believe me, try Google Translate and see what I mean. We hope to have our own translators working on a more supple and idiomatic rendering soon.
For now, the only thing I can ask from our readers is that they engage in the swift, retributive and absolute destruction of this other website. We can ill afford to let people with these attitudes and values and lack of respect for others to continue to exist.