Most of their rhetoric has been a thin veneer for the message they've always wanted to just be able to yell at the tops of their lungs: "Nigger president!" If you have any doubts about this, tweet those words in some expression of political anger, append it with "#tcot" and then watch patriots cleave you to their bosoms. That's why these people love that image of Obama wearing Joker makeup so much: it doesn't take a single word to express their essential argument that a black person — or at least this black person — is an immoral terrorist and could only snag the job of president by putting on makeup to look the same color as the job requires: white.
One could go on and on about these people, but tens of thousands of words have already been spent on them. It's not necessary anymore. Especially because they finally just came right out and said it today:
Civil rights hero Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) and fellow Congressional Black Caucus member Andre Carson (D-IN) related a particularly jarring encounter with a large crowd of protesters screaming "kill the bill"... and punctuating their chants with the word "nigger."That seems like a sensible reaction. All John Lewis wants to do is make sure that the poorest Americans of any color are capable of receiving some kind of health care so that they don't die. What a jackass. And he's black, just like the president who lowered the tax burden for all Americans making less than $250,000 per year. That's such a black thing to do. See, white people structure the tax brackets like this, whereas Obama be all "Newports!" Hahahaha, no, seriously: liberty.
Standing next to Lewis, emerging from a Democratic caucus meeting with President Obama, Carson said people in the crowd yelled, "kill the bill and then the N-word" several times, while he and Lewis were exiting the Canon House office building.
But don't worry. It's not just blacks who are fucking up the country. There are fags too:
And that wasn't an isolated incident. Early this afternoon, standing outside a Democratic whip meeting in the Longworth House office building, I watched Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) make his way out the door, en route to the neighboring Rayburn building. As he rounded the corner toward the exit, wading through a huge crowd of tea partiers and other health care protesters, an elderly white man screamed "Barney, you faggot"--a line that caused dozens of his confederates to erupt in laughter.I'm sure this guy's just an outlier. He probably ginned up this negative attitude himself. It's not like many of these people believe as a rule that their God condemns homosexuals as a nauseating aberration that offends the sublimity of His creation.
I know, I know: by tomorrow right-wing websites like racist- and Nazi-embracing FreeRepublic will have proved that those shouting "nigger" and "faggot" were actually liberal plants as part of a false-flag operation, like the Civil War. They will establish this incontrovertibly by saying it, then saying it again and maybe emphasizing it or using BB code to make some of the words blacker or more slanty — an ironic twist they will never notice. At no point will they acknowledge that racial or sexual hatred could reasonably emerge from a group of people so consumed with contempt for humanity that, like their hero Limbaugh, they actually taunt and ridicule a man suffering from Parkinson's disease:
If you don't already want to vomit, you can watch this:
(More tomorrow or Monday about Limbaugh, Malkin and Beck rhetorically beating up on an 11-year-old boy because of his temerity to be the son of someone who died of a treatable illness. That piece is 90% finished, but it's the weekend, and there's basketball.)