Take today, in a piece entitled "Sir Jerk," where NRO's Jay "This Bra Bomb Better Work" Nordlinger has this to say about a joke from Sir Paul McCartney:
So, Paul McCartney is in the East Room of the White House, with President and Mrs. Obama. He is being fĂȘted because he has just won an award from the Library of Congress. He caps the evening with this remark – this is his farewell, his send-off: “After the last eight years, it’s good to have a president that knows what a library is.”Over at Salon, former Gawker writer Alex Pareene dispatches this nonsense with ease:
Can anyone tell me why people are such schmucks? Why they are so graceless and clueless and nasty?
Whatever. It is practically universally acknowledged by objective observers, and by many right-wing admirers of the former president, that George W. Bush is, to put it charitably, intellectually incurious. Being an unintellectual regular-guy was part of his political appeal.

The National Review is very good at expressing outrage at indecency. Nordlinger inveighs against people being schmucks, being "graceless and cluess and nasty." He wants to know why McCartney can't behave "like a gentleman" or "at least a non-boor." Fair questions for Jay, but — while I admit that many of the results are about people other than president Obama — they're better asked on a website whose search function doesn't turn up 53 articles with the word "teleprompter," with doubtless several featuring boorish and ungentlemanly accusations of sub-par intelligence because a Democrat uses a device employed by every single national American politician. They're also better asked on a website that doesn't take every opportunity to micro-analyze the president's jump shot or pitching arm to suggest he's some kind of effete and womanish non-American.