But at least insofar as the former is concerned, check out this killer dig about how Barack Obama isn't a man because of [sports thing], while George W. Bush is a man because of [sports thing], in an article literally titled "Who Is More Macho":
Whether you're a student of presidential sports history or just a fan of President Obama's feats of fleetfooted derring-do, tremble for your nation as you compare these two executive bike pics[.]This is fantastic stuff. The article ends with a link to a bogus conspiracy theory about Obama's first pitch at the 2009 All-Star Game, a maliciously stupid non-issue I addressed here and which came up again this April, regarding Opening Day and the Final Four. What a way to close out a piece: bankrupt, lazy, dumb.
As a devout Solanist, I believe men are the problem, and I'm generally happy when presidents eschew the kind of alpha male bullshit that was George W. Bush's stock in trade. But looking at these two photos, boy, I'm starting to rethink that position.
Related: Do we really want a president who throws like a girl?
But there's so much more fun you can have with this, if you're up for it.
First, there's the empty pop-culture neologism of "solanist" (after Valerie Solanas, who attempted to murder Andy Warhol and was violently intolerant of men), which is totally unnecessary. With any other group, you'd normally say, "Who cares?" but, you know, words mean definite things. Libertarians insist on that. There is a word for this position, divorced from the Warholian/hippie/radical feminist focus of Solanas and the occluding intervention of pop-culture relationships, and that word is "misandry," or in the case of one who advocates it, a misandrist. Come on: A is A, and Femme is Femme.
Second, there's the fact that a soi-disant "solanist" — a joking pose, but the joke only covers the author's gender and not the concluding favorable attitude toward a single figure — is moved by a bike picture to overlook first principles and, one assumes, his/her/who cares' intense personal objections to things like Bush's Medicare reform, his unfunded mandate in No Child Left Behind, The Patriot Act, warrantless wiretapping, indefinite detentions and reckless deficit spending. Whatever, homie's got bike-calfs. That's a good reason, apart from:
Third, Bush fell off a fucking Segway.
Second, there's the fact that a soi-disant "solanist" — a joking pose, but the joke only covers the author's gender and not the concluding favorable attitude toward a single figure — is moved by a bike picture to overlook first principles and, one assumes, his/her/who cares' intense personal objections to things like Bush's Medicare reform, his unfunded mandate in No Child Left Behind, The Patriot Act, warrantless wiretapping, indefinite detentions and reckless deficit spending. Whatever, homie's got bike-calfs. That's a good reason, apart from:
Third, Bush fell off a fucking Segway.