Which, of course, made Vulture's June publication of a profile of Stevie Nicks feel just about perfect. Because, on top of being interesting in its own right, it confirmed almost every impulse to make up absurd factoids about Stevie Nicks with paragraph after paragraph celebrating everything sui generis about her you could possibly imagine.
For example, culled from just that article:
In Your Dreams has two songs referencing vampires, including "Moonlight," inspired by a tear-filled viewing of The Twilight Saga: New Moon...The article is an embarrassment of Stevie Nicksness, and the first thing it made me do was go through my Twitter archive and the Mr. Destructo Facebook page and find every Stevie Nicks factoid published there in the last few years. I realize that this might seem silly to you, but I feel very strongly about sharing all of it. Thank you.
Her look...has influenced fashion designers from Anna Sui to somebody's brother's girlfriend who gave her an organically dyed silk poncho during tour rehearsals because Nicks had inspired her to go into fashion... A woman in the U.K. named Johanna Pieterman paints Celtic-style portraits of Nicks with your spirit animal of choice (usually an owl, wolf, stallion, or unicorn)...
She communicates with her fans by handwritten letters that Johnston [an assistant] scans and uploads to the Internet. She hasn't had a driver’s license since 1978 ("Where would I go by myself?") and is only reachable by phone through landline or Johnston. I was with them once when Johnston's cell phone rang; Nicks harmonized with the ringtone...
There are Buddhas everywhere. She's not a believer, she says, "but I probably will be someday."
Above her bathtub is a sign reading "DON'T PISS OFF THE FAIRIES."
Stevie Nicks arrested for running chinchilla-fighting ring out of home.
— Jeb Lund (@Mobute) June 26, 2010
"Let me know if you need help learning how to score."
— note written on a scarf given to Tim Tebow, with an image burned into it as if by divine light, depicting Stevie Nicks' nude body coiled around The Christ's.
"I am a cat in the dark. I am the darkness." — Stevie Nicks, returning from the astral plane where she summons the powers necessary to kill.
— Jeb Lund (@Mobute) June 26, 2010
ROCK TRIVIA: Singer Stevie Nicks is terrified of dogs because as a child she watched her father turn into one.
I live in a bad neighborhood, but just once I'd like to leave my apartment without seeing Stevie Nicks beating up a dude for paintball money
— Jeb Lund (@Mobute) June 27, 2010
Stevie Nicks Donates Thousands of Diaphanous Scarves to Homeless East Coast Refugees of Superstorm Sandy, Calls on Them to Join Her; 'We Are All Gypsies Now,' Singer Says
Stevie Nicks sits in a room with walls punctured by 20-sided-dice impacts, her campaign, not even hardly begun, already in ruins.
— Jeb Lund (@Mobute) June 30, 2010
Near fatal accident in automatic sedan and severe frontal-lobe trauma results in a vigilante Stevie Nicks wandering inner city streets looking to "drop a tranny."
Stevie Nicks fills a sac in her throat with air to appear larger while raining abuse down on the cowering head of an underage Laotian valet.
— Jeb Lund (@Mobute) June 30, 2010
Every year for the food drive, Stevie Nicks loads up a box with dented cans because—hey, worse comes to worst, it's just free Botox.
You come home in the middle of the day & there she is again: Stevie Nicks on the floor, a spatchcocked chicken over her face like in Alien.
— Jeb Lund (@Mobute) July 27, 2010
After seeing Jurassic Park, Stevie Nicks travels everywhere with her eggs secreted in a chilled compartment in a Barbasol can.
A hungover Stevie Nicks claims to be at the hospital for the Make a Wish Foundation & hits cancer beds to steal banana bags & oxygen tanks.
— Jeb Lund (@Mobute) September 7, 2010
Stevie Nicks uses the short blade on her Swiss Army Knife to pry the sapphire eyes out of another stolen jade cat.
Stevie Nicks doesn't give a shit if it IS consecrated ground. She's digging the box up & getting the antique ring that idiot was buried with
— Jeb Lund (@Mobute) September 24, 2010
Reunited with her Goa'uld symbiote, Stevie Nicks opens the Stargate to a world endlessly reverberating with the sound of a gargantuan Grace Slick—her eyes blinded with two ruby-studded daggers—screaming torrents of pure blood and drowning the fields below.
Stevie Nicks unbuckles a 1980s-style hips-to-tits women's dress belt & begins beating a day laborer who's accidentally mowed down a begonia.
— Jeb Lund (@Mobute) January 3, 2012
In what isn't really even a surprise anymore, TJ, Boomer, Ditka, Key and Cris all picked Stevie Nicks today against the Eagles.
Stevie Nicks doing a blind taste-test of identically topped Moe's, Qdoba & Chipotle burritos & calling out the results to dozens of cats...
— Jeb Lund (@Mobute) April 3, 2012
Stevie Nicks clicks through her Internet Explorer history, and it's just six weeks of Almond Roca gift boxes and Youtube vlogs from total nerdbras looking to cash in the V-card.
A picture of Stevie Nicks at the Parthenon stubbing out a cigarette and wearing an "I'M A CRETAN" t-shirt...
— Jeb Lund (@Mobute) April 3, 2012
Unable to get the dried wine deep at the bottom of her champagne flutes, a lazy Stevie Nicks turns them upside down and rinses them out via the water-pressure fury of her bidet.
Stevie Nicks closing the blinds and slicing five-inch sections off newly-bought drapes, vowing that no one will discover her scarf secret...
— Jeb Lund (@Mobute) April 3, 2012
You open the door to the nursery to find a figure standing over the crib, then scream at the sight of you and disappear out the window in a dozen multicolored vortices, like scarves becoming fog and twisted planes of light itself. It was Stevie Nicks, stealing the baby's breath, and now she can stay alive for another month.
Stevie Nicks twirls the microscopes into focus, peering into the two samples. Finally, she sighs. Finally she can weaponize gypsum.
— Jeb Lund (@Mobute) June 15, 2012
...and, because I frequently feel compelled to call upon the SyFy Channel to make a horror film based on my favorite character, I asked this:
.@syfy, please make a movie based on my tweets called "Shark Hitler vs. Stevie Nicks."
— Jeb Lund (@Mobute) June 17, 2012